Engineering Lead, Denmark

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Organisational Environment:

Mercury is the European leader in construction solutions. 

We build and manage complex engineering & construction projects for the world’s leading corporations. Our solutions help deliver technologies and life changing advancements that connect people, communities and businesses, giving them the power to achieve incredible things. Our people have the courage to be innovative. Their determination and sharp focus enable us to deliver with certainty, time and time again. 

We deliver our clients’ visions through leading edge construction solutions across multiple sectors, including: Enterprise Data Centres, Advanced Technology & Life Sciences, Hyperscale Data Centres, Fire Protection, and Technical Support Services (TSS). 

At Mercury, it is our duty to encourage and back our people to realise their vision of themselves. We place them at the heart of what we do, providing challenging opportunities to develop within a great team in a supportive environment that allows them to reach their full potential.


Key Responsibilities of the Role:

  • To support the engineering requirements through managing & liaising with Key Project Stakeholders (Client design team, Main contractor, Suppliers, Sub-contractors, etc)
  • Information reporting will be an essential activity to ensure activity targets/deadlines are met to support the project team. There will be an Engineering Task Log generated and managed by the Engineering Lead
  • Familiarisation of Design/IFC specifications and drawings to fully understand the scope of the Project works. Overseeing the Co-ordination process to transform design information into full installation drawings by BIM personnel ensuring spec compliance and as per schedule priority. This will require generation/management of Requests For Information (RFI)
  • Assessment of Sub-contract and Supplier Tender returns for Technical compliance with design intent specifications
  • Familiarisation with the Project schedule and ensuring Engineering activities do not impact on same (e.g. Procurement, etc)
  • Management of the technical submittal, approvals
  • Management for the First of a Kind (FOK) process
  • Management of the material procurement utilising Engineering Materials Report (EMR) by producing material take offs identifying the lead in periods and field need rates
  • Ensure Works are installed in accordance with Project specifications and to the Project QA plan (for e.g. pre-agreed benchmarking)
  • Management of Sub-contractors and ensuring adequate information flow to ensure works progress in line with the Project Schedule and Weekly Meeting logged
  • Evaluate and promote the use of new engineering practices and processes to enhance delivery time of the project
  • Preparation and agreeing project completion criteria and close out documents
  • Preparing Sub-contract and Supplier Tender Packages in conjunction with Project QS
  • Manage the Construction Work Packs process from development, implementation and handover. This will involve activities onsite to support our construction management team
  • Manage BIM priorities i.e. support team to develop modular concepts, Typical fabrication details and Isometrics generation and to release for construction. Validation of materials/assets within the model are also to be verified for construction. Change management is a critical process to be understood and controlled
  • Handover Documentation development in coordination with the QC & Turnover Team
  • You will be responsible to support and coach all junior engineers assigned to the project team their development is crucial to our organisation and industry
  • There maybe a requirement to attend project meetings or “White Board Activity Planning sessions. This will depend on the needs of the project and your team manager
  • Ensure the adherence to company’s safety and quality standards
  • Ensure the adherence to legislation governing all Health and Safety matters on site.
  • All other duties associated with this role and/or reasonably required by the Company the Company reserves the right to vary the scope and nature of the Employee’s normal duties to take into account changes in the Company’s work patterns and practices and the requirements of its business


Essential Criteria for the Role:

  • The ideal candidate will have a minimum 8-10 years’ experience in a similar role.
  • Must have process experience.
  • Previous experience in Pharma preferred.
  • Professional qualification
  • Professional certification
  • Travel will be required for this position.


Mercury is an equal opportunities employer.



Organisatorisk miljø:

Mercury er førende i Europa inden for byggeløsninger. 

Vi bygger og leder komplekse ingeniør- og byggeprojekter for verdens førende virksomheder. Vores løsninger hjælper med at levere teknologier og livsændrende fremskridt, der forbinder mennesker, samfund og virksomheder og giver dem magten til at opnå utrolige ting. Vores folk har modet til at være innovative. Deres beslutsomhed og skarpe fokus gør os i stand til at levere med sikkerhed, gang på gang. 

Vi leverer vores kunders visioner gennem førende byggeløsninger på tværs af flere sektorer, herunder: Enterprise Data Centres, Advanced Technology & Life Sciences, Hyperscale Data Centres, Fire Protection og Technical Support Services (TSS). 

Hos Mercury er det vores pligt at opmuntre og støtte vores folk til at realisere deres vision om sig selv. Vi placerer dem i hjertet af det, vi gør, og giver udfordrende muligheder for at udvikle sig i et fantastisk team i et støttende miljø, der giver dem mulighed for at nå deres fulde potentiale.


Nøgleansvar for rollen:

  • At understøtte ingeniørkravene gennem styring og kontakt med centrale projektinteressenter (kundedesignteam, hovedentreprenør, leverandører, underleverandører osv.)
  • Informationsrapportering vil være en væsentlig aktivitet for at sikre, at aktivitetsmål/deadlines overholdes for at støtte projektteamet. Der vil være en Engineering Task Log genereret og administreret af Engineering Lead
  • Bekendtgørelse af design/IFC-specifikationer og tegninger for fuldt ud at forstå omfanget af projektarbejdet. Overvågning af koordineringsprocessen for at transformere designoplysninger til komplette installationstegninger af BIM-personale, hvilket sikrer specifik overholdelse og prioritet i henhold til tidsplanen. Dette vil kræve generering/håndtering af anmodninger om information (RFI)
  • Vurdering af underentreprise og leverandørudbud for teknisk overensstemmelse med designhensigtsspecifikationer
  • At gøre sig bekendt med projektplanen og sikre, at ingeniøraktiviteter ikke påvirker samme (f.eks. indkøb osv.)
  • Håndtering af den tekniske indsendelse, godkendelser
  • Management for the First of a Kind (FOK) proces
  • Styring af materialeindkøbet ved hjælp af Engineering Materials Report (EMR) ved at producere materialestarter, der identificerer leadet i perioder og feltbehovsrater
  • Sørg for, at værker er installeret i overensstemmelse med projektspecifikationerne og i henhold til projektkvalitetsplanen (for f.eks. forudaftalt benchmarking)
  • Ledelse af underleverandører og sikring af passende informationsflow for at sikre, at arbejdet skrider frem i overensstemmelse med projektplanen og det ugentlige møde, der er logget
  • Evaluer og fremme brugen af ​​ny ingeniørpraksis og -processer for at forbedre leveringstiden for projektet
  • Udarbejdelse og aftale om projektgennemførelseskriterier og lukke dokumenter
  • Udarbejdelse af underentreprise- og leverandørudbudspakker i forbindelse med Projekt QS
  • Administrer Construction Work Packs-processen fra udvikling, implementering og overdragelse. Dette vil involvere aktiviteter på stedet for at støtte vores byggeledelsesteam
  • Administrer BIM-prioriteter, dvs. supportteam til at udvikle modulære koncepter, Typiske fremstillingsdetaljer og Isometrics-generering og frigive til konstruktion. Validering af materialer/aktiver inden for modellen skal også verificeres for konstruktion. Forandringsledelse er en kritisk proces, der skal forstås og kontrolleres
  • Handover Dokumentationsudvikling i koordinering med QC & Turnover Teamet
  • Du vil være ansvarlig for at støtte og coache alle junioringeniører tilknyttet projektteamet, deres udvikling er afgørende for vores organisation og branche
  • Der er måske et krav om at deltage i projektmøder eller "White Board Activity Planning sessions. Dette vil afhænge af projektets og din teamleders behov
  • Sikre overholdelse af virksomhedens sikkerheds- og kvalitetsstandarder
  • Sikre overholdelse af lovgivning, der regulerer alle sundheds- og sikkerhedsforhold på stedet.
  • Alle andre pligter, der er forbundet med denne rolle og/eller med rimelighed kræves af virksomheden, forbeholder virksomheden sig retten til at variere omfanget og arten af ​​medarbejderens normale pligter for at tage hensyn til ændringer i virksomhedens arbejdsmønstre og -praksis og kravene til dens virksomhed


Væsentlige kriterier for rollen:

  • Den ideelle kandidat har minimum 8-10 års erfaring i en lignende stilling.
  • Du skal have proceserfaring.
  • Gerne tidligere erfaring i Pharma.
  • Professionel kvalifikation
  • Professionel certificering
  • Rejser vil være påkrævet for denne stilling.



Mercury er en ligestillingsarbejdsgiver.

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