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Off-site Assembly: Hyperscale data centre delivery on the edge of the Arctic Circle
Regardless of the conditions, our bold promise is to always deliver for our clients.
On the edge of the Arctic Circle, Mercury is using Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) to deliver off-site modules from our local flying factory to a hyperscale data centre project in Lulea, Sweden.
Our Off-site Assembly (OSA) capabilities allow us to transfer a significant portion of work that is traditionally completed on-site into a controlled factory environment that benefits our people, projects and clients.
This approach increases quality, reduces risk, and ensures a higher degree of cost and programme certainty.
Collaboration is the foundation of this multi-disciplined approach and through long-standing relationships established with supply-chain partners we are positioned to realise the full benefits of OSA.
Pictured are Kai Douglas, Material Control Supervisor, Andreas Altervall, Logistics Manager and Khaled Halawa, Civil, Structural and Architectural (CSA) Engineer, outside Mercury’s Flying Factory in Lulea.
Stay up to date with our social media channels in the coming weeks, as we provide our followers with insights into our global OSA capabilities.
The Offsite Assembly (OSA) market is redefining our industry and we’re leading the charge. Our expansive OSA strategy and capabilities will ensure our success continues to mount as we step into the future. As a prime contractor with whole life-cycle scope delivering design, build, commission and operations, we constantly evaluate modern construction methods to improve our delivery.
To read more about Mercury’s OSA capabilities, click here.
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