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Mercury signs BITCI’s Low Carbon pledge
Mercury has today signed Business in the Community Ireland’s (BITCI) Low Carbon pledge.
This means Mercury now joins over 100 of Ireland’s most established companies who are part of the movement for sustainable change.
All signatory companies commit to reducing their Scope 1 & 2 greenhouse gas emission intensity by 50% by 2030.
The Leaders’ Group on Sustainability is supporting Ireland’s business sector in the transition to a low carbon economy with the Low Carbon Pledge – the first dedicated pledge generated by Irish business to set industry standards on sustainability and reduce carbon usage.
The purpose of this pledge is to practically demonstrate commitment by Irish business to reduce carbon emissions and to act as a catalyst for wider, complementary initiatives and actions, to assist companies achieve their reduction targets.
At Mercury, we recognise the diversity of the different regions and industries in which we work and adapt our working practices to accommodate those differences accordingly. Our success in recent years has led to continuous growth, new opportunities and expansion into brave new territories and markets.
We foster a Mercury culture of caring – about quality, about safety and about community. We’re determined to make a positive contribution to all the communities in which we operate through our daily operations – to our employees, to our business partners and to society in general.
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